Site Builder CMS -
Content Management System
Ariana Site Builder(CMS)is a full package to create an information portal.Now some accredited centers like Esfahan municipality,Esfahan education center,Sepahan Oil Co., and ... are using this system.
click here for more information about our CMS customers.
specifications :
create unlimited dynamic pages
create Custom modules with custom Arrangement
custom web site and pages Deformation
Access Level Definition for pages and modules
Content Management
create e-forms
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Ariana Voice box is a flexible and programmable system.specifications :
Sound playback on audio media of telecommunication devices like audio modems
sound recording from caller telephone and save it in PC
(Voice mail)
create an information archive of saved sound in custom Data Base
/ Palse Digit Gathering
Caller ID
for more information click here.
Commercial and Contract and legal department system
This system was designed and implementation for mechanizing the operation of procurement unit in companies and organizations.
specifications :
Manage information of Goods,services, Contractors,regions and area of activity
Manage information of requests
Manage information of purchases
Manage information of payments
Manage information of tenders
Fund management
Contracts management
Contract creation
Contract progress information
click here for more information
Commission 99 system for Governorships
This system is using for work proccess mechanization of WORK COMISSION 99, that is under control of Governorship.
The purpose of this system is maintenance of all information of work proccess. this information are necessary for follow up the work process
or they ll using in management reports.
in fact< he main purpose of this system is achive to correct and fast follow up documents situation and have management reports
and statistics, not just create a digital archive.
specifications :
manage the documents information
information of payments
cheque system and manage the information of cheque
alarm system to remind the time of Communicated and date of cheque
click here for more information
Store System
This system was designed for manage the store information and warehousing of organizations and factories.
This system can connect to procurement and sales system and also it can be coordinated with financial and accounting systems.
specifications :
Definition several warehouses of products and Goods
manage distributed storage with no geographical limitations
on line information about inventory to sale and procurement units,based on inventory of all warehouses
licenses for transfer between warehouses
definition the safekeeping warehouses
click here for more information
Sales System
Ariana Sales system was desigend based on sales process in huge organizations.
System can have connection with warehouse system and it have all sales process like requests,pre facture,drafts,exit permit and transport information.
System also can export some sales accounting document.
specifications :
Receive customers requests
Export pre-facture for customer request
Export sale drafts based on price list
Export exit permition from warehouse based on drafts
Export facture based on Document Storage
click here for more information
Bascule and tanks system
This system was designed to manage the process of operations and information of bascule and tanks.
in this sytem you can receive all information about drafts and bill of lading and weighing operations will done base on it.
In Isfahan Refinery all operations about oil tanks accounting is intended.
some operations like weight to valume conversion,seeking depht repositories and ...
specifications :
manage bascule information
manage tanks information
Driver Alarm system
manage Seeking depth information
Read serial port for reading the bascule information
click here for more information
Information Security System(protection System)
The purposes of this system are reduction operations, easy to perform and record all events about security operations.
All units must have connection with this system.the beginning os all requestes is from units and they will go to security unit after pass some management filters.
in the other way,confirmation of entry and exit(personels and all internal events)must be done by units personel and
finally it will check by security unit.
specifications :
Documentation the personel documents
Documentation Discipline information
manage workflow licensing
manage entry and exit(personels)
manage entry and exit(Vehicles)
manage entry and exit(products and Goods)
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